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Grow Cube Omega Walkthrough

This game is blimming addictive.. Being me, i wanted to complete the whole game (instead of sleep.. haha) And i got stuck at this one point for a long time, so i tried to find a walkthrough for it.. There was none! Well, there are lots of walkthroughs for the first part of the game, sure.. but after that, there was nothing! So, i decided to create one :P

So, here's to whoever needs help to get as far as i did~ :D stop if you want to complete it yourself!



This is how you complete the first part of the game -

1. man

2. water

3. seeds

4. pot

5. tube

6. fire

7. dish

8. bone

9. spring

10. ball

just follow the sequence and you will get to the exact same point as this screen shot here:


After completing this, you will receive 5 coins, and will be directed to click on the middle coin icon where you will have completed level 1 of the stage 2 of this game, the bar as below:

So, basically you use those hints to get the remaining 20 coins.. Here are the hints, and their solutions :

Hints 1 - 5 :

Solution to hints 1 - 5 :

You basically go through the whole sequence of stage 1 completion again, and you will have the 5 coins from these hints~ can then become level 2 of stage 2, and have more of your stage 2 "house"~

Hints 6 & 7 :

Solution to hints 6 - 7 :

This is pretty straight forward, just press ball, then spring.. :P

Hints 8 & 10 :

Solution to hints 8 & 10 :

These two can be done in the same round,, below is how -

1. man

2. water

3. seeds

4. pot

5. tube

6. fire

7. dish

8. spring

9. bone

10. ball

Hint 9 :

Solution to hint 9 :

1. fire

2. pot

3. ball

4. man

Hint 11 :

Solution to hint 11 :

1. man

2. water

3. seeds

4. pot

5. tube

6. fire

7. dish

8. ball

9. bone

10. spring

Hint 12 :

Solution to hint 12 :

1. man

2. water

3. seeds

4. dish

5. fire

6. tube

7. pot

8. bone


Tadaa~ fireeee burnnnnn

Hint 13 :

Solution to hint 13 :

1. man

2. water

3. seeds

4. pot

5. tube

6. fire

7. dish

8. ball

9. spring

10. bone

Hint 14 :

Solution to hint 14 :

Lets make a camp fire, or torch, the Olympic torch! haha

1. fire

2. bone

3. seeds

4. dish

5. water

6. spring

7. ball

8. pot

9. tube

10. man

Hint 15 :

Solution to hint 15 :


1. fire

2. man

3. water

4. seeds

5. dish

6. tube

7. ball

8. bone

9. spring

10. pot

Hint 16 :

Solution to hint 16 :

Let the fire flyyyyy~~~ fire fly.. firefly!!! hehe :P

1. fire

2. seeds

3. bone

4. tube

5. spring

6. pot

7. ball

8. dish

9. water

and its off~~ bye bye fire~

Hint 17 :

Solution to hint 17 :

It's a running skull!!! :O

1. man

2. water

3. seeds

4. pot

5. tube

6. fire

7. bone

8. ball

9. spring

10. dish

Hint 18 :

Solution to hint 18 :

1. man

2. bone

3. dish

4. pot

5. spring

6. ball

7. zzzz...zzzz...

Hint 19 :

Solution to hint 19 :

1. man

2. seeds

3. tube

4. ball

5. dish

6. spring

7. bone

8. fire

9. pot

10. .. yeah, no. we're busy, cant you see?

Hint 20 :

Solution to hint 20 :

First you gotta have someone to play with first, then you trap one of them in the tube.. MWAHHAHAHA

1. man

2. seeds

3. tube

4. bone

5. spring

6. ball

7. dish

8. pot

9. fire

10. water

TADAAA~~ you have now completed stage 2, and will have gotten all 20 coins, and upgraded your "house" to level 5!!

And this is you should see at the end of stage 2:


Oh, but wait, it seems this game still isnt over! ... Well, the part where you have to use your brain is over.. from now on you can just keep your brain in bed..

because, from now on, to FULLY complete the game, you'll just have to repeat pressing the EGG! button.. and basically you get a bird from the egg every time..

There are 10 different types of eggs, so if you are persistent like me, you can keep going to get all of those eggs, oh, and friendly reminder, you need to get multiples of those eggs so they can level up..

Here's a screen shot of the list of number of eggs you need to get:

For Level MAX, you will need 16 for white, and pale pink. And 14 for blue, the others, you can see from the table above :)

And to save everyone trouble, i have max'd all the levels, and fully completed the game ( by repeatedly pressing the same egg button.. i know, it's so hard.. ) Though, i must admit, i love the animations, they're so cute! So, here are all the birdies from each colour and each level::

And from here on, because that's all there is to this game, i will stop writing here,, enjoy the birdie screenshots, and try to get them yourselves if you wana catch'em all :P

Last of all, thank for reading~

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